Saturday, February 23, 2013

Telling My Story

As difficult as it is, I have decided to embrace the idea of sharing my story online in order to help my business succeed.  Rob Deigh, of Rob Deigh Communications, a public relations company explained that getting into the media helps your company.  Right now, my tiny little billing company could use help.  I barely have one customer and it isn't enough to get me financially stable.  I also have a sales rep who is struggling to make her first sale.  It is tricky to ask doctors to change their ways and outsource their billing.  I'm impressed by how many appointments my sales rep is actually getting.

This week, I did work on my business.  I scheduled a meeting with a financial planner.  Financial planners deal with finances and some of them may even have doctors as clients.  A referral from a financial planner goes a long way towards closing business.  We are meeting next week.  Another financial planner/networking guru contacted me and told me that he was going to connect me to some of his doctor friends.  That would be fantastic.  I'm going to his mind connections networking group on Monday night.  I also learned that Bonnie is sending out the cards to doctors and not the postcards.  She finds more success doing that, so I changed my send out cards plan to send out three cards a week likes she is doing. 

I am toying with the idea of starting my own networking group in Oakton at a time more convenient to my schedule.  A lot of these networking groups are located too far for someone who travels by bus.  I'm on the outskirts of the suburbs where buses run, but not frequently.  It is frustrating to just miss a bus and wait 30 minutes for the next one.  My networking group would have to be unique.  I'm thinking about incorporating some physical activity and cutting out some of this overeating.  As much as I love eating out, I'm getting tired of doing so much of it just to network with other people.

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